Category: We B Late Blog

  • Christmas (and then some) in July

    Christmas (and then some) in July

    As the tiniest-ever turkey waits in our fridge (likely the first and only time it will actually be thawed by Thursday morning), I struggle with a couple of dilemmas. First, what kind of new math do I need to justify three pies, six sides, and eight bottles of wine for four adults? Second, and more…

  • Broadway Melody of COVID-19

    Broadway Melody of COVID-19

    Unless you’ve been living in a cave somewhere, you know the only hope for mankind surviving the Coronavirus, or COVID-19, is for all of us to properly wash our hands. (Actually, that cave thing might work, too, but I digress.) A critical component of that hand washing protocol is that we scrub for a minimum…

  • “I have no words.”

    “I have no words.”

    I’ve never had writer’s block. Sure, there have been times that I didn’t write anything…  sometimes months at a time. Just take a look at the gaping holes in this blog. But that wasn’t writer’s block. That was laziness, a new grandson, distraction, Netflix, procrastination, or (more often than I’d like to admit) an all-consuming…

  • Marty Helwich:  A Life Cut Short, Yet Lived to the Fullest

    Marty Helwich: A Life Cut Short, Yet Lived to the Fullest

    Last month, my sister’s beloved husband, Marty, succumbed to pancreatic cancer, having been diagnosed just after Christmas. Marty was truly one of the best people I’ve ever known, and I am just one of countless family and friends still reeling from this unfathomable loss. It was my honor and privilege to offer a eulogy at his…

  • How To Develop a Maternal (A/K/A Survival) Instinct

    How To Develop a Maternal (A/K/A Survival) Instinct

    Bringing up children who are morally sound and destined to become productive members of society involves a great commitment on the part of parents. It requires, of course, not just telling them how to behave, but by being a living example of your teachings — “walking the walk” as they say. Parents need to model…

  • Up Yours, Tidying Up

    Up Yours, Tidying Up

    We used to host two big gatherings every year:  a huge cookout Memorial Day weekend and a “both sides of the family along with anyone who didn’t have anywhere else to go” Thanksgiving feast. The first and foremost reason for these events was because I love to entertain and truly believe the more the merrier….

  • Happy Birthday, and Sweetest Day, Mom

    Happy Birthday, and Sweetest Day, Mom

      Today would have been my mom’s 89th birthday, this year falling the day after Sweetest Day. Funny that I’ve never noticed that connection before, as I always think of her on that “holiday.” Flashback to about 40 years ago. I was dating a predecessor to my husband, and we stopped at my parents’ house…

  • Who Edited My Bucket List?

    Who Edited My Bucket List?

    “I’ve never ridden in an ambulance,” I said, as I was strapped to the gurney and loaded in. One of the two cute, young (he reminded me of my 16-year-old nephew) EMTs responded in a chipper tone, “Now you can cross it off your bucket list!” This weekend adventure started last Thursday afternoon, when crushing…

  • Paying It Forward Since 1984

    Paying It Forward Since 1984

    You probably know that last Saturday was Pay It Forward Day, a “global initiative that exists to make a difference by creating a huge ripple of kindness felt across the world.” But here’s something I bet you didn’t know: I invented Pay It Forward. Okay, “invented” may be too strong a term, but before you…

  • White Like Me

    White Like Me

    A few years ago I was on my way to a Sunday afternoon party when I remembered that I needed to bring some snacks. Taking the same route I took every day to work, I knew I would be passing an Aldi, and decided to stop there.  I parked, grabbed my “Aldi quarter” from the ashtray,…