Welcome… or Welcome Back!
Whether you are a new or a returning reader, THANK YOU for taking time to visit my website and blog. I know you have plenty of choices, and I’m thrilled and honored you are here.
We B Late turned 10 years old last October, but had become so dormant that it seemed a funeral was a better idea than a birthday party. Instead, it’s been given a new look to start its second decade, and I’ve resolved to bring it and keep it up-to-date. I’m counting on you to hold me to that promise!
As with all remodeling projects, this is still a bit of a work-in-progress, so I’ll ask in advance that you “pardon our dust” as I iron out any remaining kinks and add more recent posts. Please come back often to see what’s new and (hopefullly) improved. I would love any and all feedback, so don’t be shy. I’m not!
Thanks again and don’t be a stranger!

Laurie O’Connor Stephans